Nick Williams was a popular preseason breakout target. Or tar-jay, if a soccer mom is reading. Targot, if you just returned from Target. Targo, if you're eating escargot after going to Target. Tarshouldget, if Target doesn't carry your size. Tarheel, if you stepped into tar then into Target. Tarnishes, obviously means your Target carries knishes, so you must be in Brooklyn, and it's ironic. Tarte tatin, you're wearing a hat made of slow roasted apples on your head in a Target. Whatever Target applies, wanna know why Williams was a popular preseason pick? C'mon, sit on my lap and I'll tell ya. Metaphorically! Get off my lap, you weirdo! *sprays Lysol on legs* Really wish you didn't touch my legs. So, Nick Williams had 15 HRs, 5 SBs and a .280 average in his last year of Triple-A, in only 78 games (!). He's still only 24 years old. I know, he failed to live up to hype last year. OR DID HE?! Ooh, you heard of reversible umbrellas? That was a reversal question. Not similar at all. He only played in 83 games last year, a sloppy prorater would say he could've had 24 homers last year and hit .288. Maybe he doesn't fully break out until next year (yes, he will be a sleeper), but he's been hot in the last week, and on pace for another 24-homer season and has lowered his Ks. Plus, you don't need to go to Target to buy him! Anyway, here's some more players to Buy or Sell this week in fantasy baseball: